Resident falls top list of liability claims in SNFs and ALs

June 25, 2024

3:16 pm

Viconic Resident Falls Top List Of Liability Claims

Resident falls remain far and away the most common sources of liability claims in skilled nursing facilities and assisted living communities, an analysis from insurance giant CNA found— underscoring the need for providers to prevent falls and injuries before they happen. 

Falls accounted for 36.1% of claims in skilled nursing facilities, according to CNA’s 2022 Aging Services Claims Report, ahead of pressure injuries — more commonly called bedsores — at 28.8% and improper care at 16%. 

In the assisted living setting, falls represented more than half of all claims, or 54.8%, far above the second-most common category of improper care at just 7.4%. Resident falls also resulted in the most expensive liability payouts in the assisted living sector. 

Across both settings, the average payout for a resident fall injury claim was $227,199 in 2021, compared with $193,236 in 2018 — a jump of more than $33,000 in just three years.  

Those results emphasize the need for providers to adopt a comprehensive fall prevention and injury mitigation plan that includes both specialized flooring products and a company-wide commitment to safety, clear documentation, and accurate assessment of every resident’s needs to ensure the proper care setting and supervision.