Good Advice is Golden–Advisory Council Update

August 2, 2024

2:32 am

Advisory Board Blog

Time is precious and good advice is often worth its weight in gold. Fortunately for Viconic Health, we’re receiving excellent advice and support from our interdisciplinary Advisory Council. Our July 23rd meeting was well attended with several new faces and many friends including providers, architects, designers, installers, and researchers in gerontology and senior living. Together, we’re working to improve fall-related outcomes for residents and providers globally.  

The group has offered sage advice on raising our profile. In Q2, Viconic Health built and launched our new website with Quantum Age Collaborative as part of our 2024 awareness campaign. This campaign includes national outreach and thought leadership. We have added both the National Association of State Veterans Homes (NASVH) in August and AHCA/NCAL in October to our existing tradeshow roster – and we’ll be attending several other conferences as well. Viconic Health has also begun offering insight on falls and fall protection through a content marketing initiative, to meet an unmet need to address falls and fall protection wherever you call home. We have completed our first of hopefully many more Lunch & Learn sessions for architects designing environments for seniors and others needing fall protection.  Looking ahead to 2025, our awareness campaign will also include educational sessions, as we team up with provider partners and other supporters to present at state and national conferences. 

Viconic technology is already protecting our active-duty warfighters and senior care communities are embracing Fall Defense now, too. The latest fall data from our provider partners continues to show substantial reductions in severe and critical fall related injuries. And members of the Advisory Council encourage us to explore grant writing opportunities. Providers have begun asking us to support their grant applications to improve resident quality of life and safety and we are honored to help. To date, we are collaborating on Civil Money Penalty (CMP) fund applications to introduce Viconic Fall Defense into skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), where fines are often issued due to falls and the injuries that result from a fall. And we continue to make progress on our NIA/NIH clinical trial funding application with our friends at the University of Michigan and Gardens Senior Living based in Michigan. 

The Council received an update from the field as well. Progress was reported on the 14,500 square-foot installation  at a 24-bed assisted living, memory care, hospice community, Elysian Fields of Red Wing, MN. Our site visit with the general contractor and flooring installer went well and the system feels amazing under LVT in the resident rooms. We’ve also made progress on zero barrier bath and shower installations and intend to install Viconic under Altro flooring later this year in a SNF. Finally, we received our largest quote request to date for 75K square feet in a new SNF in northern Minnesota. 

Thanks again to those supporting Viconic, and especially our Advisory Council, who give their valuable time and expertise to help Viconic provide the best environment possible for our aging loved ones and their caregivers. We look forward to our October Advisory Council meeting at the national LeadingAge conference in Nashville.